What is Hookpict?
Hookpict is a component made of steel with flexible characteristics that incorporates, in a single piece, the functions of the “wall-plug” and the “hook” or “angled screw” normally used for hanging pictures or other decorative items.
Drill a 6mm hole
with the help of a drill.
Insert the Hookpict
It will be easy thanks to its flexibility.
And it’s ready!
You can now hang your pictures. Easy and fast!
Different finishes
Available in different colours so that you can match them perfectly to your rooms.
Rose gold
Where can I hang it?
It works on any surface.
of load resistence.
Thanks to its design, it can support a weight of up to 25 kg. Thus, it can be used to hang various weights.
Hookpict simplifies what usually requires two separate elements into a single piece.
The ELASTICITY of the material allows the stem, shaped as an open clamp, to gradually close as it is inserted into a hole.
REUSE. Its elastic characteristics and its shape do not alter with use. This means it can be reused.
We distribute Hookpict in bulk or in packs*. Contact us to receive more information about product distribution. *Units to be determined
SAVINGS in material and time. There’s no need to use a “hook”. All you need to do is make a 6mm hole, insert Hookpict, and it’s job done!